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Hochschul E-Assessment Projekt

End 1. January 2009


Volker Turau, Dietrich Fahrenholtz and Marcus Venzke. Online Assessment for University Admission: Goals, Problems, and Experience. In Proceedings of the 9th International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference (CAA'05), June 2005, pp. 457–467. Loughborough, UK.
@InProceedings{Telematik_TFV_2005_OnlineAssessment, author = {Volker Turau and Dietrich Fahrenholtz and Marcus Venzke}, title = {Online Assessment for University Admission: Goals, Problems, and Experience}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference (CAA'05)}, pages = {457-467}, day = {5-6}, month = jun, year = 2005, location = {Loughborough, UK}, }
Abstract: This paper reports on the experience gained during the implementation and operation of an online assessment system for recruitment of engineering and computer science students. We identified problems that have to be solved to make online assessment a worthwhile building block of university admission. The presented work includes techniques for evaluating and monitoring online assessment processes.