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Diploma Thesis

A Runtime Environment for Thread Level Speculation

The multi-core architectures available today provide real parallel processing power in the end user domain. To leverage the constantly increasing number of cores the software industry is forced to use parallelisation techniques. One such parallelisation technique is thread level speculation (TLS) where a thread can employ one or more helper threads (so-called shadows) to speculatively pre-execute future code sections while itself proceeds through the code at the current position. The result of pre-executed code sections may be used by the parent thread later if the predicted branch is actually taken and thus effectively reduces the processing time for the given thread. This techniques are almost similar to those known from pipe-lining in CPUs combined with branch prediction. Task of this bachelor thesis is to design and implement a runtime environment to provide TLS capabilities on application level.

Start date 2. April 2013
End date 2. October 2013
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Projects P'MCA
Supervisor Dr. rer. nat. Holger Machens