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Master's Thesis

Geographic Mesh-Routing on Planar City Overlay

Functional street lighting is an indispensable part of today’s cities with respect to safety and comfort of residents. As street lighting causes high consumption of energy and emissions of CO2 efforts are made to reduce both of them. In 2009 German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety has determined that energy consumption for street lighting can be reduced by 50% using modern technology with dimming possibilities while increasing the quality of illumination. This work supports that intention making a proposal to improve the abilities of Telemanagement systems controlling street lights and presents a novel way of using wireless communication between a central control station and each street light. A very scalable solution was found in this work that provides a foundation for future street lighting systems that provide only that level of light that is really required at any time in any place. As a direct result of this solution costs for operation, maintenance, and spare parts are significantly reduced.

Start date 15. December 2010
End date 16. May 2011
Supervisor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Unterschütz