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Conference Contributions | PhD Theses | Technical Reports

Conference Contributions

Helge Klimek, Björn Greßmann and Volker Turau. Protocols for Resource Constrained Infrastructure Networks. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac '12), October 2012. Paphos, Cyprus.
@InProceedings{Telematik_MOBIWAC_2012_ProtocolsInfrastructureNetwork, author = {Helge Klimek and Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Volker Turau}, title = {Protocols for Resource Constrained Infrastructure Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac '12)}, day = {20-25}, month = oct, year = 2012, location = {Paphos, Cyprus}, }
Abstract: This paper introduces two protocols for communication in infrastructure networks consisting of a central server, stationary basestations and mobile devices. Mobile devices use IEEE 802.15.4 to communicate with the basestations. Among other things, the proposed protocols differ in their location management and in the routing of downlink and uplink packets. Through extensive simulations the protocols are compared with the focus on latency and packet loss metrics. The strength of each protocol depends on the traffic pattern caused by an application. This paper concludes with a recommendation for the usage of each protocol.
K. H. Lütjens, A. Lau, T. Pfeiffer, S. Loth, V. Gollnick, H. Klimek, B. Greßmann, S. Löwa, C. Blank and J. Binnebesel. Airport2030 – Lösungen für den effizienten Lufttransport der Zukunft. In Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, September 2012. Berlin, Germany.
@InProceedings{EffizienterLufttransportDerZukunft2012, author = {K. H. L{\"u}tjens and A. Lau and T. Pfeiffer and S. Loth and V. Gollnick and H. Klimek and B. Gre{\ss}mann and S. L{\"o}wa and C. Blank and J. Binnebesel}, title = {Airport2030 – L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r den effizienten Lufttransport der Zukunft}, booktitle = {Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress}, month = sep, year = 2012, location = {Berlin, Germany}, }
Björn Greßmann, Helge Klimek and Volker Turau. Intelligent Passenger Flows in Airport Terminals Using a Digital Boarding Assistance. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT'11), March 2011. Hamburg, Germany.
@InProceedings{WIT2011C10, author = {Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Helge Klimek and Volker Turau}, title = {Intelligent Passenger Flows in Airport Terminals Using a Digital Boarding Assistance}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT'11)}, day = {22-23}, month = mar, year = 2011, location = {Hamburg, Germany}, }
Abstract: In this paper we present a Digital Boarding Assistance (DigiBa) system for passengers in airport terminals. By providing navigation, notification and information services, passengers are enabled to move efficiently through the terminal. Based on functional requirements of such a system, the paper presents a prototype implementation on an embedded mobile device with restricted resources. Challenges concerning channel access in dense networks and indoor navigation on a device with limited hardware capabilities are outlined.
Björn Greßmann, Helge Klimek and Volker Turau. Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Location Based Services and Indoor Navigation. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Positioning Navigation and Communication (WPNC2010), March 2010. Dresden, Germany.
@InProceedings{WPNC10, author = {Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Helge Klimek and Volker Turau}, title = {Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Location Based Services and Indoor Navigation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Positioning Navigation and Communication (WPNC2010)}, day = {11-12}, month = mar, year = 2010, location = {Dresden, Germany}, }
Abstract: Outdoor navigation services have become ubiquitously available due to small handheld devices such as GPS enabled mobile phones or dedicated mobile navigation systems. Two main drivers were necessary in order to provide widespread location based services: Acquiring positioning information with a certain degree of precision and widespread (mobile) access to computer networks to use the position information with a large information basis such as the Internet. Envisioned is a future, where indoor navigation and location based services are used as naturally as outdoor location based services are now. To achieve this long term vision where users seamlessly navigate for example from work desk to departure gate at the airport and use location based services on the way, various challenges have to be solved. In this paper, these challenges and open issues are discussed. The paper proposes an architecture which abstracts from different mobile devices and localization technologies. Additionally, it sketches the use of indoor topology information to increase the accuracy of indoor localization. These two presented concepts form a basis for a transition period until standards for ubiquitous indoor location based services have emerged.
Jens Eichmann, Björn Greßmann, Felix Hackbarth, Helge Klimek, Volker Menrad, Thomas Meyerhoff, Tobias Pilsak and Harald Sauff. SomSeD - Analysis of an Experimental Wireless Sensor Network. In Proceedings of the Workshop Selbstorganisierende Sensor- und Datenfunknetze, October 2009, pp. 11–17. Hamburg, Germany.
@InProceedings{SomSeD_Workshop_2009_Klimek, author = {Jens Eichmann and Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Felix Hackbarth and Helge Klimek and Volker Menrad and Thomas Meyerhoff and Tobias Pilsak and Harald Sauff}, title = {SomSeD - Analysis of an Experimental Wireless Sensor Network}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop Selbstorganisierende Sensor- und Datenfunknetze}, pages = {11-17}, month = oct, year = 2009, location = {Hamburg, Germany}, }
Helge Klimek. Multi Model Storage using EMF and GMF. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on MDSD Today, October 2008, pp. 61–70. Elmshorn, Germany.
@InProceedings{SECOND_WORKSHOP_ON_MDSD_TODAY, author = {Helge Klimek}, title = {Multi Model Storage using EMF and GMF}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on MDSD Today}, pages = {61-70}, month = oct, year = 2008, location = {Elmshorn, Germany}, }
Helge Klimek. PDD Applied: A Model Driven Approach. In Software Engineering 2007 - Beiträge zu den Workshops, March 2007. Hamburg, Germany.
@InProceedings{Telematik_K_2007_PDDApplield, author = {Helge Klimek}, title = {PDD Applied: A Model Driven Approach}, booktitle = {Software Engineering 2007 - Beitr{\"a}ge zu den Workshops}, day = {29}, month = mar, year = 2007, location = {Hamburg, Germany}, }

PhD Theses

Helge Klimek. Überlast-Behandlung für ortsbezogene Dienste in drahtlosen Infrastruktur-Netzen in Gebäuden. PhD Thesis, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany, 2014.
@PhdThesis{Telematik_Klimek_2014_Diss, author = {Helge Klimek}, title = {{\"U}berlast-Behandlung f{\"u}r ortsbezogene Dienste in drahtlosen Infrastruktur-Netzen in Geb{\"a}uden}, publisher = {Cuvillier Verlag, G{\"o}ttingen, Germany}, school = {Hamburg University of Technology}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, edition = {1st}, year = 2014, isbn = {978-3-95404-835-9}, }
Abstract: Drahtlose Infrastruktur-Netze bestehen aus mobilen Geräten, welche drahtlos mit einem Backend aus fest installierten Basisstationen und Server kommunizieren. Die Basisstationen und der Server sind über eine kabelgebundene Schnittstelle, zum Beispiel Ethernet, miteinander verbunden. Die mobilen Geräte empfangen und senden Daten immer direkt zu Basisstationen, eine direkte Kommunikation zwischen den mobilen Geräten ist nicht vorgesehen. Infrastruktur-Netze in Gebäuden können genutzt werden um ortsbezogene Dienste anzubieten. In dieser Arbeit wird als Fallbeispiel der Gebäudekomplex eines Flughafens mit den für einen Flughafen spezifischen Diensten Indoor-Navigation, Benachrichtigung von Passagieren, Informationsabfragen durch Passagiere sowie Werbebotschaften betrachtet. Führen Benutzer diese Dienste aus und betreten oder verlassen eine Zelle, ändert sich die Last auf diese Zelle. Die Mobilität kann dazu führen, dass sehr viele Benutzer in eine Funkzelle eintreten und so deren Leistungsfähigkeit überschritten wird. In einem solchen Fall sind alle Geräte in der Zelle von der Überlastung betroffen. Es werden Verfahren vorgestellt, um Überlast zu erkennen, zu reduzieren, sowie zu vermeiden. Bei der Vermeidung geht es darum, unter Ausnutzung von anwendungsbezogenem Wissen Überlastungs-Situationen von vornherein zu umgehen. Die Überlast-Erkennung dient zur Ermittlung des Netz-Zustands und bildet mit ihrer Bewertung die Grundlage zur Überlast-Reduktion. Sie kann zentral oder verteilt auf die Netzknoten erfolgen. Eine wichtige Nebenbedingung dabei ist, dass die Netz-Ressourcen nicht durch weitere Kommunikation zur Behandlung von Überlast zusätzlich belastet werden. Erkennungs-Verfahren, die Informationen an den Kommunikations-Endpunkten ermitteln und auf Verlustraten oder Latenzen aufbauen, liefern in Infrastruktur-Netzen mit mobilen Benutzern keine zuverlässigen Ergebnisse: Verluste und Verzögerungen resultieren nicht ausschließlich aus der Überlastung einer Zelle, sondern auch aus falschen Ortsinformationen in den Übergangsprotokollen. Mit den Basisstationen als zentraler Kommunikationspunkt für alle Geräte in ihrer Zelle bietet sich jedoch ein guter Ansatzpunkt, mit netzunterstützten Verfahren Überlast-Informationen aus dem Netz zu extrahieren. Die vorgestellten Verfahren zielen auf die zelluläre Struktur des Netzes und werden in Simulationen für zwei unterschiedliche Kommunikations-Protokolle untersucht. Nachrichten können zur Behandlung über einen größeren Zeitraum und so über eine größere Fläche verteilt werden, zum Beispiel indem bei elastischen Anwendungen die Zeitschranken für Neu-Übertragungen vergrößert werden. Reicht dies allein nicht aus, besteht die Möglichkeit die Kommunikation einzuschränken, beispielsweise indem festgelegt wird, welche Anwendungen von mobilen Geräten ausgeführt werden dürfen. In Simulationen kann gezeigt werden, dass die Überlast-Vermeidung für das beschriebene Fallbeispiel wirkungsvoll das Eintreten von Überlastungssituationen in einer Zelle verhindern kann. Insbesondere die netzunterstützten Verfahren, die das Paketaufkommen und den Funkkanal betrachten, zeigen eine gute Erkennungsleistung. Die Kombination aus Überlast-Erkennung und –Reduktion kann, je nach Szenario, Überlast deutlich abfedern. Es gibt jedoch Szenarien, in denen die physikalischen Grenzen des Systems überschritten werden. Hier helfen die eingesetzten Verfahren dabei, das System schnell wieder in einen nutzbaren Zustand zurückzubringen.

Technical Reports

Helge Klimek, Björn Greßmann and Volker Turau. Report on Protocols for Resource Constrained Infrastructure Networks. Technical Report urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-11642, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany, July 2012.
@TechReport{Klimek_Gressmann_Protocols-TechReport, author = {Helge Klimek and Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Volker Turau}, title = {Report on Protocols for Resource Constrained Infrastructure Networks}, number = {urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-11642}, institution = {Hamburg University of Technology}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, month = jul, year = 2012, }
Abstract: This report introduces three protocols for communication in infrastructure networks consisting of a central server, stationary basestations and mobile devices. Mobile devices use IEEE 802.15.4 to communicate with the basestations. Among other things, the proposed protocols differ in their location management and in the routing of downlink and uplink packets. Through extensive simulations the protocols are compared with the focus on latency and packet loss metrics. The strength of each protocol depends on the traffic pattern caused by an application. The report concludes with a recommendation for the usage of each protocol.
Helge Klimek, Björn Greßmann and Volker Turau. Indoor Navigation and Location Based Services Scenario for Airports. Technical Report urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-10856, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany, February 2011.
@TechReport{Telematik-Klick_Gressmann_Turau-INLBS-TechReport, author = {Helge Klimek and Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Volker Turau}, title = {Indoor Navigation and Location Based Services Scenario for Airports}, number = {urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-10856}, institution = {Hamburg University of Technology}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, month = feb, year = 2011, }
Abstract: This report describes usage scenarios of the architecture for indoor navigation and location based services (INLBS) developed in the Airport2030 project. The expandable architecture offers a framework and predefined services with a runtime environment and aims at enabling ubiquitous INLBS in any building with the users’ mobile device. The architecture consists of a mobile user platform (MUP) installed on mobile devices and a stationary facility platform (SFP) which is running on backend servers. For communication between MUP and SFP a communication and positioning infrastructure (CPI) is used. The SFP abstracts from different mobile hardware and communication and ranging technologies for ease of development. A runtime environment contains the service container which invokes life cycle functionality of the different services. Applications which are accessed from the MUP are developed using the services in the service container.
Felix Hackbarth, Thomas Meyerhoff, Harald Sauff, Bryce T. Bradford, Luis Torres, Helge Klimek, Björn Greßmann, Christian Renner, Martin Stemick, Christoph Weyer and Sebastian Georgi. SomSed - The Evolution of an Experimental Wireless Sensor Network Towards a Research Platform. In Proceedings of the 8th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze" (FGSN'09), August 2009, pp. 27–30. Hamburg, Germany.
@InProceedings{Telematik_HMSB_2009_SomSeD, author = {Felix Hackbarth and Thomas Meyerhoff and Harald Sauff and Bryce T. Bradford and Luis Torres and Helge Klimek and Bj{\"o}rn Gre{\ss}mann and Christian Renner and Martin Stemick and Christoph Weyer and Sebastian Georgi}, title = {SomSed - The Evolution of an Experimental Wireless Sensor Network Towards a Research Platform}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespr{\"a}ch "Drahtlose Sensornetze" (FGSN'09)}, pages = {27-30}, day = {13-14}, month = aug, year = 2009, location = {Hamburg, Germany}, }
Abstract: The exploratory focus of the SomSed research field is the interdisciplinary research on self organizing mobile sensor and data networks. Since the founding of SomSed in 2007, great progress in scientific research has been achieved and much practical knowledge has been gathered using a prototype network permanently installed. This prototype network, from hereon referred to as CampusNet, is the basis for further investigations and offers the possibility to perform long term measurements in a large scale and real environment. The scope of this paper is to outline the current status of the SomSed research field and to briefly discuss future developments.